super bowl commercial bingo card

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  1. What a fun idea! I used to LOVE football but don’t really find time to watch any kind of TV now that I’m older. I would say the SuperBowl always meant super yummy food and commercials for me too. What a great way to add a little extra fun and this is great for kids to do during the game as well!

    1. I would say even on Super Bowl Sunday we don’t find the time to watch football. It’s on in the background while we’re playing with our kids now! But I love the challenge of trying to keep up with my bingo squares at the same time 😀

  2. What a fun activity for the Super Bowl! My kids always want to be “into it” but then they get a little bored, so this is perfect!

  3. We’ve done Super Bowl Commercial Bingo for years. There’s always so much laughter and friendly competition during the commercials. It’s a great tradition. I love that these Bingo cards are printable and that they are FREE. They are really cute and visually striking! Thank you so much for designing these cards for the 2020 Super Bowl.

  4. Our family loved your Super Bowl commercial bingo game! Even though we may have missed the first few minutes because we were eating dinner, even our grands loved keeping track of our cards. Thank you!

  5. Thanks so much for making these! It was awesome and added a whole new level of conversation for the night!

  6. The Outreach committee at my church is putting on a Super Bowl Party, streaming the game in our Celebration Center. It is for anyone who may not have a place to go and watch the game with friends and/or family. Actually, anyone is welcome. We want it to be a fun family atmosphere