funky geometric designs to paint on the wall in a boy's room

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  1. Love the designs, hate the principle– these aren’t walls “for boys”. They’re just walls. They’re super cool but would work in many rooms / bedrooms, for kids and adults. Gender doesn’t even come in to it.

    1. Relax. It’s ideas for ‘a boy’ not ‘just for boys’. Everything isn’t a political argument…

  2. Hi what are the color names for the geometric blue and gray triangle wall? It’s super cool! Would love to see if that works in our room. Thank you.

    1. Hi Helen! I didn’t paint these walls myself, but I can tell you the colors on the wall as matched by Home Depot’s Project Color app: High Dive for the teal color, Perfect Sky for the light blue, Planetarium for the navy blue, and Nature Trail for the beige (all Behr colors). I’m a big fan of Behr Ultra – eggshell for bedrooms and living spaces, semi-gloss for bathrooms and kitchens. Hope that helps!