Okay, real talk: baby shower games can be a total cringefest. You show up ready to celebrate your friend’s impending motherhood, then panic sets in when the host mentions Games. Awkward silence and forced participation? No thanks. But planning a shower doesn’t have to mean lame games. This guide helps ditch the duds and pick fun, interactive activities that won’t have your guests running for the hills.
Great games are the secret sauce to an epic baby shower. They keep the party popping, get people laughing and bonding, and create heartwarming memories that last. Plus, they’re a fantastic icebreaker, especially for a mix of friends and family. I’ve helped plan baby showers for family members and was the honoree at two of them! I know first-hand which games will play out well on party day.
Let’s dive into some awesome game ideas that will have your guests giggling, chatting, and making memories! All the ideas below can work for both men and women, and almost all of them are suitable for an adoption baby shower or baby sprinkle, too!
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Baby Shower Games
Jump to a type of game with the links below.
These quick and easy games are perfect for getting everyone comfortable and chatting like old friends.
Who’s that Baby?
- baby photos (one per guest)
- pens
- paper (for writing guesses)
Collect baby photos from guests beforehand. Assign numbers to each photo and write the corresponding guest’s name on the back (for record-keeping).
Display the baby photos with their numbers. Guests mingle, guess which photo belongs to each guest, and write their names on guess sheets with the corresponding numbers. Reveal the answers and award a small prize (optional) for the most correct guesses!
Ultimate Baby Shower Game
- A Modern Game for Modern Moms and Dads – An innovative combination…
- The Only Game You Need – Forget digging up baby pictures, easels,…
- Heartwarming Mementos: Skip the guest book. The final round is played…
- 3 Great Ways to Play: Includes extra rules for large groups, various…
- Heavy on Laughs, Light on Cringe – Plenty of nursery rhyme, booze, and…
If you’ve ever played Cards Against Humanity, this game is exactly like that (but way cleaner). Suitable for 3 to 30 players, everyone is dealt a few (usually 5-7) answer cards to start. Players take turns flipping up a prompt card from the deck. Everyone else must play the answer card they think is the best (re: funniest), draw a new answer card for the next round, and the prompter has to decide which one they like the best. The person they choose gets to keep the prompt card. Whoever has the most prompt cards at the end wins!
Team Games
Ready to get a little competitive? These team games are a fantastic way to get guests working together and bonding over their mutual love for the mama-to-be.
Diaper Relay Race
- enough baby dolls (or plushies)
- diapers
- baby clothes
- swaddles for the number of teams you want to have
Set up a table with multiple relay stations, each with a doll wearing a diaper, clothing, and a swaddle, plus an extra diaper on the side.
Divide your guests into teams. Every person on each team will need to complete a “diaper change” on a designated baby doll or stuffed animal. They have to strip the baby, then put a fresh diaper and the clothes and swaddle back on. The first team with every member to finish wins!
Optional: Have everyone wear blindfolds to make it more challenging.
Blindfolded Baby Feeding
- blindfolds (enough for every player)
- plastic spoons (one per team)
- baby food (one jar per team)
Divide guests into teams of two. Set up a “feeding station” for each team with a spoon and a jar of baby food.
All players get blindfolded. One person must feed the baby food to their teammate. The first team to make it through the entire jar (with minimal mess) wins!
Family Feud
- answer sheet with pre-written baby-themed questions
- paper for guest answers (one color per team)
- pens
Write down baby-related survey questions (e.g., “Name things you find in a diaper bag”). Before the shower, poll a group of people (not attending) for the most popular answers to each question. Tally up the top answers and keep them safe. (Don’t have time to do a poll? My printable Family Feud baby shower game has the work done for you!)
Divide guests into teams and designate a team leader for each. Give the leader the question sheet to write their answers on. Teams work together to come up with an answer (based on what they think most people would say). Points are awarded based on how many matches they have with the pre-written top answers. Most points wins!
Baby Shower Charades
- bowls (2)
- slips of paper with baby-related words/phrases (enough for the game)
- timer (optional)
Write baby-themed words or phrases (e.g., “morning sickness,” “changing a diaper”) on the slips of paper and fold them. Divide the slips into two bowls, one for each team.
Teams take turns. One player from each team picks a slip, reads it silently, and acts it out for their team to guess within a time limit (use the timer if desired). Correct guesses earn points! Most points after a set number of rounds wins!
Prediction Games
These games are all about sparking conversation and friendly wagers on the mama-to-be and the upcoming arrival. Guests will have a blast trying to guess everything from the baby’s weight to which parent will change the most diapers.
Which Would Mommy Rather?
- paper
- printer
- pens
Think up funny “Would She Rather” dilemmas related to the mom-to-be’s personality or habits. Type them up and print multiple copies for guests. (Or buy a pre-made version of the game.) Before the party, have the expecting mother fill out a sheet to use as a reference for grading answers.
Guests answer the questions on their sheets, predicting which option the mom-to-be would choose. The person with the most matches wins!
Guess Who? (Mommy or Daddy)
- paper
- printer
- pens
For this one, you’ll definitely want to get a pre-made game. Print enough sheets for each person in attendance. Before the party, have each of the expecting parents mark off whether or not they agree with each statement on separate sheets (without sharing).
Guests circle their choices, trying to guess which parent (or both!) is more likely to agree with each statement. Collect all the sheets and add a point for each choice that matches the parents’ (up to two points earned per statement, if both parents marked themselves), and subtract a point for each circled choice that the corresponding parent did not agree with.
Who Knows Mommy Best?
- paper
- printer
- pens
Before the shower, gather interesting facts and trivia questions about the mom-to-be (favorite food, hidden talent, etc.). Write them on a sheet. (Or get a ready-to-answer game.) Have the mother-to-be fill in her answers. Print blank answer sheets for guests.
Guests answer the trivia questions about the mom-to-be, testing their knowledge. Mom-to-be should be the judge of whose answers are the most accurate. The guest with the most correct answers wins!
How Big is Her Belly?
- ribbon, yarn, or string
- scissors
None! Just have your chosen material and scissors ready.
Guests should cut off the amount of ribbon they think will fit perfectly around the expecting mother without being too short or too long. They may not wrap the ribbon around her before cutting! Discreetly measure the mom-to-be’s belly and cut an accurate length of material, then compare it to the ones cut by the guests. The closest guess wins!
Keep in Mind: Even as a plus-size woman, I didn’t mind my belly being measured with ribbon when I was pregnant. But your mother-to-be might feel differently – so discuss it with her before staging this game.
Finish Mommy’s Phrase
- paper
- printer
- pens
Use a ready-to-go game to print enough sheets for each guest in attendance. Before the party, have the expecting mother fill out a sheet to use as a reference for grading answers.
Guests try to guess how the mom-to-be would finish the phrases based on her personality or experiences. The person with the most matches wins!
Baby Predictions
- paper
- printer
- pens
Type up various trait categories for the baby (eye color, weight, etc.) – or get a done-for-you printable. Print enough sheets for each guest in attendance.
Guests fill out the prediction sheets with their guesses and hand them in. Keep the cards sealed until the baby is born! After the birth, it’s fun to see how close the predictions were! You can even send a small prize (optional) to the guest with the most accurate guesses.
Easy Games
Forget spending hours crafting elaborate games. These easy baby shower games are all about maximum fun with minimal stress. They’re quick to set up, require barely any materials, and are guaranteed to keep guests of all ages and energy levels entertained.
Name That Tune
- music player or Bluetooth speaker
- playlist of songs with “baby” in the title
- paper
- pens
Create a playlist of songs with “baby” in the title (various genres work well). If you won’t be able to play music loud enough at your venue, you can always type up a fill-in-the-blank version where the only other clue is the singer’s name. (Not sure which you’ll do? My version includes both, and keeps you from having to come up with the songs!)
Play very short snippets of songs from your playlist. Guests write down the song title and artist on their paper. Award points for correct guesses! You can award a point each for the song title and artist. The guest with the most points at the end wins.
Word Scramble
- paper
- printer
- pens
Create sheets with baby words jumbled up (e.g., “DIAPER” becomes “RIPEDA”). I have a version ready to print!
Distribute the scramble sheets and writing supplies. Guests race to unscramble the words on the cards. The fastest guest to finish (with all words correct) wins!
Children’s Books Emoji Pictionary
- paper
- printer
- pens
Find popular children’s books and translate the titles into emoji sequences (this can be tough, so I highly recommend this printable). Print enough copies for every guest.
Distribute the emoji sheets and pens. Guests try to guess the children’s book titles hidden in the emoji sequences. Most correct guesses win!
Baby Bingo
- paper
- printer
- pens
- bingo markers
Print bingo cards with blank spaces or get ones that are already filled in, depending on how you want to play. If designing your own, I’ve got baby bingo words and a blank template to help you out!
Distribute bingo cards and marker chips to guests. If using blank cards, have guests fill in a baby item they think the mother-to-be will receive during the party in each square (this is how I’ve always chosen to do it). As she opens her gifts, guests can cover their matching squares. The first person to get a full row (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal) yells “Bingo!” and wins!
Baby Item ABCs
- pens
- paper
Write (or type and print) the alphabet listed vertically (one sheet per guest). This template is cheap and ready to go!
Set a timer for two minutes. Guests race to write down a baby item that starts with each letter of the alphabet (A-Z). The person with the most answers within a time limit wins! If there is a tie, the mother-to-be should judge whose answers are more closely related to babies. I like to include this game at every baby shower because the simplicity makes it easy for everyone to participate.
Name the Lullaby
- music player
- list of famous lullabies
- pens
- paper
Create a playlist of well-known lullabies – preferably instrumental versions that don’t sing the lyrics.
Play short snippets of the lullabies from your list. Guests write down the lullaby title on their paper for each song. Most correct guesses win!
Where Was She?
- photos of the mom-to-be in different locations throughout her life
- poster board or large frame to display them
- pens
- paper
Display the photos of the mom-to-be on a poster board or large frame, and assign a number to each photo. Prepare numbered answer sheets (or just use this one).
Guests guess where each photo was taken in the mom-to-be’s life, and write their answers down with corresponding numbers. The person who gets the most correct wins! Tiebreaker: Have them guess what year each photo was taken in.
Word Search
- paper
- printer
- pens
Find or create a word search puzzle with baby-related words hidden vertically, horizontally, and diagonally. Create a key, but keep it on a separate page just for the host; guests should hunt for the words without one. Print enough for each guest. (Yep, I have one of these too!)
Distribute the word search puzzles and pens. Guests race to find all the hidden words within the grid. The person with the most words found after five minutes (with all words actually baby-related) wins!
- paper
- printer
- pens
Generate a maze and draw images at the entrance and the end related to your baby shower theme. (I have a generic one you can use.) Make enough copies for all the guests.
Hand out the mazes and pens. The first person to complete the maze wins!
Funny Games
Let’s crank the fun factor up a notch! These funny baby shower games are all about silly antics, clever wordplay, and a touch of friendly competition. Guaranteed to keep the mood light and guests in stitches.
Don’t Say Baby
- clothes pins (enough for guests)
- a sign with instructions
Create a sign that says “Don’t Say Baby!” and explains the game (guests can’t say the word “baby” or they lose their clothespin).
Distribute clothespins to guests as they arrive and instruct them to clip them somewhere obvious on their clothing. If someone hears another guest say “baby,” they can snag that person’s clothespins! The guest with the most clothespins at the end wins. This game is so much fun, and there’s always that one family member going around trying to trick people into saying “baby” so they can steal all the clothespins!
The Price is Right
- baby items (diapers, wipes, onesies, etc.)
- pens
- paper
Price out baby items at local stores or online. Create a list with specific item descriptions (e.g., “24 pack of diapers”) and print enough copies for all guests. You can use the game I made if you like!
Display baby items (or pictures). Guests guess the price of each item on their paper. The person with the most correct guesses without going over wins!
What’s on Your Phone?
- paper
- printer
- pens
You’ll want a pre-made sheet for this one that assigns point values to various things guests might have on their phones. Print enough copies for everyone attending.
Distribute the lists and pens. Have guests go through their phones to tally up their scores. The person with the most points wins!
What’s in Your Purse?
- paper
- printer
- pens
As with the phone game, it’s best to get a ready-to-play copy of the game. Print copies for all the women attending.
Give all the ladies with purses a printout. They’ll check off the items they find in their purses. The guest with the most points wins!
Guess the Poop
- diapers (enough for the number of candy bars)
- a variety of candy bars
- permanent marker
- paper
- pens
Place a piece of each of the candy bars in the center of separate clean diapers. Microwave them long enough for them to melt without becoming liquid, then loosely close the diapers. Mark each diaper with a number on the outside (and make note for yourself which diaper has which candy bar in it).
Guests have to get up close and personal to the diapers to guess which candy bar is hidden inside each one. They can look at and smell the chocolates, but they cannot taste them! The most correct guesses wins. I have never been to a baby shower that didn’t have this game. Watching everyone put their faces right up to what looks like poop is so gross it’s funny!
Trivia Games
These trivia games are perfect for guests who love to flex their mental muscles (and maybe win some bragging rights!). From practical baby care facts to celeb pregnancies, these games will test everyone’s knowledge of all things baby-related.
Baby Animal Match
- paper
- printer
- pens
Type up a list of baby animal terms, then a randomized list of their full-grown animal titles. You can also get a pre-made game. Print enough for all guests. Alternatively, you can give guests blank paper and create photographic cards of the adult animals.
Pass out the sheets to attendees and have them match the babies to their adult counterparts. If playing with photo cards, hold up one animal at a time and have guests write down the official term for the baby form of that animal. The person with the most correct answers wins!
Cartoon Moms
- paper
- printer
- pens
Collect images of famous cartoon moms (e.g., Lois Griffin, Marge Simpson), or grab this printable. Crop the photos with your phone or computer app to show just a small part of their appearance and put them all on a page. Print enough for everyone. Alternatively, blow up the cropped images onto cards to hold up during the game.
Guests must identify the moms based on the clues, and the one with the most correct wins! Tiebreaker: See who knows their full names and/or their TV show or movie titles.
TV Children
- paper
- printer
- pens
Type up a list of various TV shows featuring families with children (both live and animated) – there’s a good one here. Leave space under each title. Print enough copies for every guest. As host, keep a separate answer sheet of all the children’s names.
Pass out the game sheets and give everyone up to five minutes to write down the names of every child in each TV family. The person with the most correct names wins!
Nursery Rhyme Quiz
- paper
- printer
- pens
Write nursery rhyme trivia questions. These can include the first lines with the last few words missing or questions about the rhyme’s plot. Use a premade game if you prefer! Print enough for each guest.
Distribute the question sheets. Guests answer the trivia questions about nursery rhymes, testing their childhood knowledge. The guest with the most correct answers wins!
International Traditions
- paper
- printer
- pens
Save yourself time researching and grab my ready-to-play game! Print enough for every guest.
Pass out the trivia sheets. Guests must match the baby-related tradition to its place of origin. The most correct matches wins!
Baby Language
- paper
- printer
- pens
Come up with a list of various languages. Look up each language’s translation of “baby” and randomize it in a separate column (or just use my copy of the game). Make enough copies for your guests and keep an answer sheet safe.
Pass out the language lists. Players have to match the language to its correct term for “baby”. The person with the most correct wins!
Celebrity Baby Names
- paper
- printer
- pens
Create a list of well-known celebrity moms and dads (or pictures of them). In a separate column, randomize their babies’ names (but keep an answer sheet separate). I’ve done the work for you if you prefer. Print enough copies for everyone.
Guests match the celebrity parents to their babies’ names. Most correct matches wins!
Animal Pregnancies
- paper
- printer
- pens
Create a list of animals (elephants, lions, rabbits, etc.), and if desired, gather clipart or photos of those animals (like in my version). Write the corresponding pregnancy lengths for each animal randomly at the bottom of the sheet. Print plenty of copies.
Guests match the animals to their pregnancy durations. The guest with the most correct matches wins!
American vs. British
- paper
- printer
- pens
Create a list of common American baby words (clothes, items, actions). Find the corresponding British terms for each word, and randomize them in a second column. I have a version of this game you can use! Make copies for all your guests.
Guests match the American terms to their British equivalents. The guest with the most correct matches wins!
True or False?
- paper
- printer
- pens
Write down interesting trivia about babies, some true and some false (e.g., “A newborn baby can see the full color spectrum”). Not feeling creative? Use this printable game to save time. Print enough copies for each guest.
Distribute the trivia sheets. Guests mark whether they think each statement is true or false. Reveal the answers after everyone has finished, and the most correct answers wins!
Active Games
Let’s get this party moving! These active baby shower games are perfect for high-energy crowds who like to mingle and laugh while they compete. Think physical challenges, hilarious relays, and games that get everyone up and out of their seats.
My Water Broke!
- ice cube trays
- miniature plastic babies (enough for each guest)
- clear cups
Freeze the miniature plastic babies into ice cubes by placing one in each compartment of the ice trays and filling it with water. If you need to take them out of the trays, collect them in a bag that’s kept in the freezer. Don’t do this too far ahead of the party, though, or the cubes will start to stick together.
Hand a clear cup to each of the guests (to catch ice chunks or the plastic baby). The first person to yell “My water broke!” after their baby melts out of the ice cube wins! They can use any method they like. I’ve played this game at many baby showers, and usually, it’s the person willing to keep the ice cube in their mouth that gets the baby out first!
Bobbing for Pacifiers
- large bowl or tub
- water
- lots of pacifiers that float
- blindfolds
Fill the bowl or tub with water and add the pacifiers.
Guests participate in turns, with their hands tied behind their backs and wearing blindfolds. They lean over the water and try to catch a pacifier with their mouths. The guest with the most pacifiers after a set time limit wins!
Left Right Game
- a prize most guests would like (see my recommendations at the bottom of this post)
- a birthing left-right story to read
Wrap the prize like a gift and print out your left-right story.
Have guests form a circle. Give the wrapped gift to one person. The host reads a story aloud, with instructions to pass the gift to the left (or right) whenever they hear those words. The person holding the gift at the story’s end wins it!
Match the Socks
- 10-15 pairs of baby socks
Separate 10-15 pairs of baby socks and thoroughly mix them up.
Scatter the socks on the floor in the designated playing area. Guests take turns matching socks as quickly as possible. The guest with the most matches after a set time (or the fastest time for matching all the pairs) wins! I never thought my laundry-folding skills would win me a prize, but the first time I played this game they did!
Baby Food Taste Test
- cheap spoons (enough for all guests)
- a variety of baby food containers
- paper
- pens
Cover the labels of the baby food containers (masking tape works well) and mark them with numbers. Prepare a list of the baby food flavors being used by number and keep it safe.
Guests participate in turns, blindfolded if desired. They taste the baby food and try to guess the flavor based on the taste. Have them write their guesses on answer sheets. Reveal the answers after everyone has tasted them, and award a prize for the most correct guesses!
I am not willing to eat baby food – it grosses me out – and I’ve had other baby shower guests who felt the same way. So don’t make this your only baby shower game. Choose something that doesn’t require eating to go with it!
Pacifier Hunt
- miniature plastic pacifiers (enough to hide around the space)
- a sign
Create a sign explaining the game and hide the pacifiers around the party space before the guests arrive.
Explain to the guests that you’ve hidden pacifiers around the space and that the first person to find and keep the most wins a prize. Guests can search anywhere they like (within reason)! The guest with the most pacifiers at the end of the baby shower wins!
Games for Men
Let’s face it, some baby shower games can feel a little… frilly. These next games are perfect for everyone, but they’re also sure to be a hit with the guys (or anyone who isn’t into babies). Think competitive fun, activities that don’t require crafting skills, and a focus on laughter, not lullabies.
Diaper Pong
- sturdy table
- ping pong balls
- disposable diapers (enough to create a target)
- masking tape or another adhesive
- a marker
Securely arrange the diapers, opened up to expose the middle, in a pyramid or other target formation on the table using something like masking tape. Label each diaper with a point value using a marker (higher points for trickier spots).
Divide the guys into teams or have them take turns individually. Each player gets a set number of ping pong balls to try and toss into the diapers. The team or player with the most points at the end wins!
Daddy Knows Best
- video camera (your cell phone is fine)
- paper
- pens
Think up a list of baby-related questions aimed at dads. Questions can be about baby care or parenting opinions. Film the dad-to-be answering each question ahead of the baby shower. He can answer honestly!
Show the video recording to the other men at the shower, pausing right after each question. Have them write down what they think the dad-to-be answered with, then play the next part of the video to see who’s correct. The man with the closest answers wins!
Bottle Chugging
Important Note: Chugging large amounts of liquid at once can be dangerous. Make sure you only put a few ounces of liquid in each bottle.
- baby bottles
- a non-carbonated liquid (like water or milk)
Fill each of the baby bottles with the same amount of liquid. Only a few ounces are needed.
Give each man in attendance one of the bottles of liquid. When given the signal, they must “chug” the baby bottles as fast as they can until all the liquid is gone. It’s tougher than it sounds – bottle nipples are designed to prevent a fast flow! The first one to finish his bottle wins.
A Game for a Large Group
This next game is perfect for larger groups and has an extra special bonus for the new arrival! Instead of individual prizes, guests contribute to a single, super-useful gift for the baby.
Name Tag Challenge (aka Penny for Your Name)
- name tags
- a marker
Use the marker to write a specific baby-related word on each name tag (e.g. Pacifier, Stroller, Swaddle). Ask guests to bring loose change to the shower. (Or if you’re uncomfortable with that idea, you can have a bowl of spare change set aside for guests who don’t carry coins to use.)
As guests arrive, give each one a name tag to put on their shirt. Guests must refer to each other as the “names” on their tags. If someone is caught using anyone’s real name, they must put a coin in a piggy bank for the baby! This is a cute way to start up a savings account for the new member of the family.
Games for Kids
No one wants a meltdown at a baby shower. These games will keep the kiddos entertained and feeling like part of the celebration. They’ll be having so much fun, you might even forget they’re there (not really, but they’ll be happy campers).
How Many Pieces?
- jar or container
- filler items kids enjoy (candy, cereal pieces, etc.)
- paper
- writing utensils
Fill the jar with the chosen items (avoid anything unsafe for kids). Count the items beforehand to know how many are inside. Cut paper into strips big enough to write a name and a number guess. Make a sign explaining the game.
Display the jar next to the sign with instructions. Kids write their names and guess the number of items on their paper. The child with the closest guess (without going over) wins the jar! When I’ve used this game at a baby shower, I allowed adults to participate if there weren’t children in attendance.
Put the Pacifier in the Baby’s Mouth
- a ready-made Pin the Pacifier on the Baby game, OR all of the following:
- a large baby poster
- pacifier cutouts
- double-sided tape
- a blindfold
Hang the poster on a wall at an appropriate height for the kids. Prepare enough pacifier cutouts/stickers for each child.
Explain that the goal is to stick the pacifier closest to the baby’s mouth. One child at a time is blindfolded and spun around a few times. Then, they try to place their pacifier cutout on the poster. The child who sticks their pacifier closest to the baby’s mouth wins!
Creative Games
Let’s unleash the imagination! These creative games are perfect for guests who want to channel their inner Picasso and craft a special keepsake for the mom-to-be (or the new arrival). Get ready for some artsy fun that results in a sentimental memento everyone will treasure.
Draw the Baby
- paper
- pencils, markers, and/or crayons
Have enough paper sheets with the prompt “Draw a Baby” written at the top for each guest. This one has a template to get them started.
Distribute the paper and drawing utensils. Guests use their imaginations to draw the baby the way they think it will look after it’s born. Afterward, guests can share their creations and laugh!
Decorate Onesies
- plain baby onesies (various sizes are a plus; hit up your local thrift shop)
- fabric markers
- stencils (optional)
- paint (optional)
- paint brushes (optional)
- plastic table cover or other surface protection
- a drying area (clothesline or drying rack)
Wash and dry the onesies beforehand. Set up a well-ventilated decorating area with a table cover and chairs (optional). Scatter the onesies and fabric markers around the station.
Guests use creativity to decorate the onesies with messages, designs, or illustrations for the baby. Let the decorated onesies dry completely before wearing or storing them.
Late Night Diapers
- large pack of size 1 diapers
- non-toxic permanent markers
- a basket or other container
Place the diapers in a basket or container near a table with the permanent markers.
Guests write funny messages and words of encouragement, or decorate the diapers with drawings for the parents-to-be. These diapers will be a surprise pick-me-up during late-night diaper changes.
Non-Game Activities
Some of your guests won’t be into competition, and that’s okay! I recommend having other activities they can engage in without feeling pressure to win. These ideas allow them to contribute to the parents-to-be in a meaningful way.
Parenting Advice
- paper
- pens
Type or write “Parenting Advice” at the top of enough paper for each guest to have a sheet.
Ask guests to write down their best parenting advice. They don’t have to have children to share their opinions! Collect all the papers and save them for the parents-to-be.
Memory Book
- a memory book and pens
Encourage attendees to write down their wishes, hopes, and dreams for the new member of the family. If nothing else, they can sign their name as a record of their support for the baby before he or she was even born!
Diaper Raffle
- numbered tickets OR printable raffle slips for guests to write their names on
- a bowl or cup
- a prize
Either on the shower invitation or a card included with it, notify guests there will be a raffle with one entry per package of diapers they bring.
As guests arrive with diapers, give them half of a raffle ticket to hang onto and place the other half in a bowl (or have them write their name on a printed ticket to put in it). At the end of the shower, blindly pull a ticket out of the bowl to see who wins the prize!
Time Capsule Messages for Baby
- paper
- pens
None is necessary, but you can brainstorm prompts to print on the paper to give guests ideas (or use these).
Ask guests to write down things they think the baby should know about the world as it is now. They can include inspirational and loving messages they want the baby to have. Keep these sheets in a binder for the parents to give to their child when they become an adult!
Hosting Fun Games: Your Guide to Shower Glory
So you’ve got a treasure trove of fantastic game ideas! But before you fire up the printer, here are some tips to guarantee your games go off without a hitch.
Know Your Crew
Consider the age range and interests of your guests. A younger crowd might dig a physical challenge, while a multi-generational mix might prefer something more chill.
Simplicity is Key
Guests should be able to grasp the game instructions in seconds, no need for mind-numbing rules or games that require an engineering degree to set up.
Include Variety
Offer a mix of game types to keep everyone engaged. Icebreakers to get the party flowing, a team game to foster friendly competition, prediction games for some lighthearted wagers, and a creative activity for some zen crafting time. This ensures something for everyone and keeps things interesting.
Prizes: Fun, But Not Required
Small prizes don’t have to break the bank. (I’ve got some great ideas below.) A little prize adds an extra incentive to participate, but remember, having a great time is the real reward!
Have Fun!
Your enthusiasm is contagious. Relax, enjoy the games, and create a welcoming space where everyone feels comfortable letting loose and joining in.
Affordable Prizes Everyone Will Love
Let’s talk prizes! Having a little something to hand out is a great way to encourage participation (because let’s be honest, the thrill of the win alone doesn’t always cut it). Here are some awesome (and affordable) gender-neutral prize ideas your guests will love!
Fun Foods
Self-Care Essentials
Entertainment on the Go
Free Printable Baby Shower Games
I have about a bajillion printable baby shower games in the Bright Color Mom Shop, but if you’re on a shoestring budget, I’ve got you! Fill out the form below to have a set of five fun baby shower games sent to your email. It’s not the editable versions, but they are in coordinating black-and-white designs. These are the games included.
- Baby Bingo
- Guess Who? Mommy or Daddy
- Family Feud
- Word Scramble
- What’s on Your Phone?