two young children throwing pink color powder in the air outside their home

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    1. As long as your exhaust doesn’t shoot any type of sparks or flames, it should be fine! But I always recommend placing it in a bag under the tire to be burst instead, as it tends to produce a more impressive cloud of smoke.

        1. Hi Kylie! I’m not sure if you can find a small quantity of bags, but a resealable plastic black bag like this should do the trick (there are multiple sizes to choose from depending on your tire size, too!):

          They look identical to the ones a lot of the prepackaged color-reveal powders come in.

  1. Thank you so much for this recipe it was super simple however I completely disagree with the 3:1 ratio I used maybe a third less of water. It’s always best to start with less water and add if needed. But thank you thank you it turned out so well