TV screen showing the Disney Wish cruise ship reading "Welcome aboard Meredith family"

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  1. Hi Michelle,
    Your posts are godsend to me! I’ve never been on a cruise!!! Last year was the first time we took my 5 yr old daughter to Disney ( my first time too- not born here). We all loved Disney and want to go back. Booking a pretty expensive Disney cruise ( vs going back to Orlando) when I’ve never been on a cruise is very intimidating for me. I want my family to fully enjoy the experience.

    I’m having hard time finding the exact boarding and leaving the ship time. Not sure what is the best time to book my airfare. I’ll be needing a transport from airport to the cruise. Super afraid for missing the ship due to logistics. Also, I know gratuity is not included so how does that work? Can you added daily to an account or do you have to carry cash with you everywhere?

    Michelle thank you for time!
    Seeing you family so happy made me motivated to reach out and try to do more research.


    1. Hi Alina! Great questions!

      When you check in for your cruise, you’ll get a PAT (Port Arrival Time) as early as 11AM. This isn’t your boarding time, this is when Disney Cruise Line wants you to arrive at the terminal to hand over your bags and go through security. Your boarding time will be a bit later, but boarding groups DO coincide with port arrival times. So the earlier your arrival time, the earlier your boarding group. The ship usually starts boarding around noon and the last group boards by 4PM at the absolute latest.

      If you do express walk off (taking ALL of your own luggage off the ship with you), you can do that as soon as the ship gets the all clear – which could be as early as 7:30AM, but if there are any issues, it could be much later. Otherwise, you’ll wait for your luggage tag group to be called to disembark (they’ll give you luggage tags to attach on the last night of the cruise). Our tags happened to be in the first group called, so we left as soon as we finished breakfast and were off the ship by 8AM! We had to sift through a sea of luggage to find ours in the terminal, though.

      When cruising, it is usually recommended that you fly in the night before your cruise and stay in a nearby hotel. Flight delays can cause you to miss your cruise, and nobody wants that!

      For return flights, Disney recommends booking flights that depart no earlier than noon, though I’ve heard people make 10:30AM flights when everything goes just right. Keep in mind MCO airport can have really long security lines, but they now offer MCO Reserve to speed up the process by reserving a time for you to go through security.

      Gratuity is not included in your booking price, but if you put a credit card on file for your onboard account, you will automatically be charged your gratuity daily at the standard rate ($14.50 per person per night). You can even add to it using your card or cash by going to Guest Services. We didn’t use cash for ANYTHING on our cruise except to provide tips to the luggage handlers at the port and additional tips to the bartenders!

      Good luck, and I hope you and your family have a wonderful cruise!

  2. This was amazingly helpful. The negative reviews have been nagging at the back of my mind and I was hoping to find one from a DCL newbie. We just booked the Wish for my kids’ first cruise and my husband’s first Disney cruise. I cruised on the Disney Magic 20 years ago when I was 19 and my husband and I cruised Carnival for our honeymoon (thus began the conversation about how he NEEDED to go on a Disney cruise just to see the difference—because there is no comparison). Even at 19, I could appreciate the *magic* that the ship offered and have been dying to take my kids on one ever since they were little. They are older now and I think the theming on this ship (Marvel, Star Wars) is just right for them, and I’m even more excited after reading this! I think they’re going to love this trial run and my plan is to get us all on the Treasure next. Thanks again!

    1. I’m very happy to help, Tish!

      My husband doesn’t know it yet, but we are slated to cruise on the Treasure on Spring Break 2025 if all goes well. I’ll definitely be posting reviews for that one as well!