woman holding her stomach above her C-section scar

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  1. A beautiful post. Thank you for this. My eldest was born (I say hatched) via an emergency section, and I’m still emotionally scarred by it, 9 years later. My youngest (5 years old) was also hatched via a section, but that time, it was an elective surgery. That time around, it was, thankfully, smooth sailing.

    1. I had the exact same experiences, Barbara! Emergency with the first, scheduled with the second at the request of my OBGYN. But at least I was better prepared and didn’t have to be knocked out due to a panic attack with the second!

  2. What is a FUPA? I’m sure I must have one or have had one at some point but for the life of me I can’t figure out what it is!! Sl I can think of is the term they kept using in the movie ‘Saving Private Ryan’
    FUBAR (**ked Up Beyond All Recognition)
    Maybe it’s something like that?
    Thanks for the tips, finally something genuine and uncensored, like my life!