brazilian waxing supplies

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  1. I’ve never had a Brazilian wax job before. You did a good job with enlightening the readers. I just don’t think I have to guts to do it lol. Great read though!

  2. Oh goodness! Kudos to you on the waxing!! I don’t care what size I am, waxing is not my thing. I have dark hair and vampire skin and that means a wax lasts me about 5 days before it looks eh. Not worth the pain for me, but I LOVE the wealth of information here and the body positivity. No matter your size, love the skin you’re in!!!


  3. I’ve never had a brazilian because I’m too much of a baby! I might have to try it out now once they open!

  4. Been doing this for a few months and love it. Just feels great afterwards & definitely worth it. Thanks for the great tips!

  5. This. Was. AWESOME! I truly appreciate this post and your candor on such a sensitive topic to us bbws who may always feel judged. Thank you ?

  6. I really appreciate this post! I have been wanting one but am chicken because of being bigger… But am getting more confident and this was just so much great info! I usually shave by feel alone and it’s such a pain and a couple days later it’s stubble or irritation or somethig annoying but I hate having hair because it grows so patchy…. So thank you so much!

    1. Thank you so much for your feedback, Jessica! I went into my first one completely nervous because I had NO other plus size women to talk to about it. But do it – it is SO worth it!

  7. I enjoyed your article SO much. It helped to increase my confidence about getting my very first Brazilian today. As a bigger girl, I’m very self conscious of my body. I don’t think I would have even booked the appointment (weeks ago) if it hadn’t been for your candor. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your experience.

      1. I’ve read this post twice now and finally got up the nerve to schedule my first Brazilian for tomorrow. I’m super nervous but feel super informed! Thank you!

  8. Thank you for all of that information! So helpful! All of the answers I couldn’t find anyone to address! Thank you again!

  9. Thank you soooo much for this! I have wanted to get a Brazilian for so long but was so worried about the experience. This definitely helped put my mind at ease and I am super excited to book mine.

  10. Okay this article has been insanely helpful and now I’m okay as a bigger woman doing the deed. However, I have a low tolerance for pain and I’m so scared. Any tips on how to get over the fear of the pain?

    I currently wax my chin every 4-5 weeks and that is painful but I take it bc I have to haha. Do you think if I can handle this then the Brazilian won’t be as bad?

    1. Hi Lelia! I understand the fear of pain, believe me! Unfortunately, I don’t think the pain of a Brazilian wax is comparable to a chin wax – it will truthfully likely hurt more.

      One thing to remember about doing something like this, though, is that any pain you feel is very temporary! Think about when you get your chin done. It really only hurts while the hair is being ripped out, right? You might have some tenderness after, but that’s nothing compared to the actual act of removing the hair. The same is true for the Brazilian; it’ll hurt when the hair is pulled out, and then it quickly dissipates. (Of course, you’ll have many, many strips pulled off during a Brazilian, so you have to steel yourself many times.)

      Brazilians are not for everyone, and it’s really only you that can decide if you can handle it. Good luck!

  11. That was a great article. I will be getting BW in about two weeks and wanted to know what to expect. I love the way you explained it. Thanks!

  12. You mentioned sweat, but what about vaginal secretions? Any thoughts on avoiding embarrassment over that?

    1. Hi Julie! Here’s a fun fact about me: I got to a point where I actually found these waxes pleasurable. To the point that I’m certain I had fluids excreting just like you’re describing! The truth is a good esthetician still will not care or say anything to you about it. Mine never did! It shouldn’t interfere with the wax itself, and if for any reason there’s a large amount of fluid excreted, they should simply wipe you off and carry on with their business. Trust me, they’ve seen it all!

  13. What about if you’re larger than a size 24 and have a problem maintaining the butterfly position long enough for you aesthetician to do the job needed?

    1. Hi Mel! That’s a valid concern, for sure. As with many things in life, there may unfortunately be a “weight limit” to getting a Brazilian wax done. You know your body best, and it’s always a good idea to discuss any conc r s you have about the process with the aesthetician prior to booking the appointment.

      All that said, if your knees aren’t comfortable being bent that way for long periods, you might be able to try alternating and bending one at a time while the other gets a break and stretches out.

  14. Your “FUPA” isn’t actually part of your pubic area despite the clever acronym. Since you’ve had a cesarean, you’re familiar with where that incision is normally made.. that’s a good rule of thumb for indicating where your pubic area meets your stomach. Your intimate wax would include only the hair below that incision scar. Anything above that would be your lower stomach. I just felt the need to clarify that because you passive-aggressively brought up people not understanding anatomy as a means to justify not wanting to pay any additional money for that area to be waxed. I’m curious what you’re considering a FUPA though because in my experience, FUPAs really only get peach fuzz and seldom will get a few terminal hairs that could easily be plucked. I’ve been waxing for 4 years now and have seen a wide variety of bodies so I’m not trying to judge you for where you grow hair; I’m just a little confused and trying to better understand.

    1. Hey Jess! No passive aggression here, just speaking from my very real and personal experience. Not that I should have to go into detail, but for MY body, my C-section scar is, in fact, ABOVE my “FUPA.” I have a big ol’ fat bulge below that scar, just above my vagina, very much part of my pubic area. And no, my aesthetician would not wax that area as part of my first Brazilian, despite it having COARSE PUBIC HAIR (definitely not peach fuzz). No, the hair is not particularly “thick” or close together, but it is abundant and very coarse. I am well aware of the difference between “peach fuzz” and pubic hair. Please consider that even as an aesthetician, your personal experience does not enlighten you of all the bodies of the human race. 🙂

  15. This was so helpful and funny! Thank you for sharing! I’ve wanted to get a Brazilian for a longgg time but have always been self conscious since I’m a woman with more to love lol. I’m going to make an apt now. Thank you:)

  16. Hi Michelle!

    Thank you so much for your blog!! it totally helped prepare me for my Brazilian wax! I am a bigger girl and I always hated the feeling of hair down there and this solidified my decision to get it!
    Thank you so much again!

  17. This is all so helpful. As a plus size woman I’m her late 40s I’ve never indulged myself and I am going for my first appt this weekend. I’m doing sugaring rather than wax but I’ve been nervous about being overweight. This set aside some of my fears and I feel more confident going in. Im doing legs as well as armpits. Go big or go home lol. Thank you for the sharing your detailed experience. So very helpful